Kelly Jo + Andy Wedding // Hico, WV

From the moment we got the call describing this wedding as steam punk meets goth with a Sleepy Hollow feel we knew this was the couple for us! We loved working with Kelly Jo + Andy on their vision. Not even chilly weather and rain could hold us back. Friends and family united at Country Road Cabins in Hico, WV to transform the resort into a fall fantasy wedding. It was amazing to see everyone pitching in to help with everything from cooking to decor and it all came together beautifully. From gorgeous masquerade masks, to silver pumpkins, to top hats, to partying the night away decked out in glow sticks this was a group that new how to cut loose. We had the time of our lives!

Art Director. Minimalist. Entrepreneur. Media Creator. Dependent on Grammar Check. Just a half decent human.